Do you know a young lady who struggles with her self-image? I'm sure we all know at least one. If you have a daughter from ages 12 & up and want a way to teach her how beautiful she really is, think about getting her a gift that will do just that.
After reading this article, and reflecting back on what my life was like in high school, my heart breaks. Please read it and then come back here.
To know how things have changed (become worse) in even the last 10 years for young girls makes me want to do something about it! If I ever have a daughter, I want her to know how beautiful she really is. She will always deserve to be treated with respect and loved for who she is, rather than be judged by what society says she should look like or do. For my son, I plan to raise him as a virtuous young man who respects women and sees the beauty in what God has created. I know all parents want their children to be moral people and treat others with respect; but if we don't talk to our kids about what is in the media today and the messages they are being bombarded with everywhere they turn - how can we expect our children to know they have value?
Help me change the lives of young girls in our area by booking your daughter her senior or other portrait session with me and it will not just be like any other photographers. It will be a life-changing experience, I promise!