February 13, 2012

Updated Website & New Blog!

This weekend was very busy for me photography wise. I spent most of the weekend working on my new & improved website/blog. I will no longer be posting to this blog as my new site will include blog posts as well as any other relevant information related to my business.

There are still a few items that I need to add to the new site (pricing & My Beauty Campaign site), but I love the new look & feel. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks everything will be completed and you will have a one-stop shop for all things Christina Baltazar Photography. =)

So, please, go take a look & let me know what you think. I would love some feedback. www.christinabaltazarphotography.com

February 7, 2012

Our Everyday - 52 week Project - Hot

The theme "hot" in the middle of winter can be a tough one to think about. The only thing that really came to mind was the hot tea my husband and I usually drink every night before bed. At first I tried (unsuccessfully) to capture a photo of the tea pot boiling - but with the light background you couldn't see the steam. So I tried again a couple of days later and got this photo of my Raspberry Leaf Tea steeping.


I drink this tea daily now 3 - 4 times a day in hopes that it will help when it is time for baby #2's birth.


(Next week's theme - Shelf....time to dust!)

January 29, 2012

How I View

Another challenge I am participating in this year is also of a personal nature. Clickin' Moms will be giving us a monthly theme and we are to post at least one photo on our blog related to the current month's theme. We will also be linking to other photographers (pros, hobbyists, and moms).

This month's theme is How I View New Beginnings. I had several things come to mind, but most of which I really couldn't take a photograph of because our winters are nearly non-existent here in the Central Valley & there is no snow. In the end, I felt the most appropriate & personal photograph I could make was a self-portrait of my growing baby bump.

Here is how I view New Beginnings

New Beginnings

To see the next person's January theme visit Jill @ Baby Rabies.


Our Everyday - 52 week Project - Eat


January 22, 2012

Our Everyday - 52 Week Project - Create

I LOVE this photo of my son. It is just so...him. He cracks me up nearly everyday. How can you not love this kid?!


January 21, 2012

Our Everyday - 52 week Project

This year I have dedicated myself to taking more photos of my family during our everyday activities using Clickin' Mom's 52 week Project.  I'm hoping I can stay committed and do this every week.  I'm a little behind on posting, but here are my first two weeks (and I think I'm actually a week off since the first week was supposed to be ending January 1st...mine ends January 8th...oops!  Guess I'll just have to catch up and do two photos this week.)

Week 1 - "Happy"


My son playing in the shed while I was trying to get some good photos of him for the Valentine's Day special. He would much rather play peek-a-boo!

Week 2 - "Dry"


My son cleaning up his spilled juice on the counter after bath time - he really needed another bath after this!

Upcoming theme - Create. Followed by Eat (What I ate).

If you would like to join in with your own 52 week project, feel free to leave a link to your blog in my comments. I would love to see what others are doing!

January 7, 2012

Valentine's Day Mini-Sessions for Kids!

Sweetheart Special Packages

January 6, 2012

Valentine's Day Special for all you Sensual Mamas

Valentine's Day is coming and it is a good excuse to get your groove on!

I'm hosting my first boudoir marathon on January 28th (location will be provided only to those that book a session).
Not Ready? You can purchase a Sensual Mama Special and then use it when you are ready.

If you would like to get something for Valentine's Day then be sure to call soon to get your session scheduled as soon as you can! And YES...RETOUCHING is always available!


DIGI MAMA - $300 - includes session & all digitals and 20% off your order

THE WORKS - $400 - includes session, 8x8 board book with 20 of your best images

The ABOVE pricing ends January 21st, 2012.

If a boudoir session is not your thing, keep an eye out for My Beauty Campaign Specials!!

Sensual Mama Special