June 16, 2010

Finding the Joy

Wow! I did not realize how long it had been since I posted. Life has been wonderfully busy. Between work, my son, and photo sessions I guess I lost track of my last blog post. As a part of my journey to becoming a better photographer it seemed that I was not getting as many photographs of my Joy, my son - Joseph. So, in order to be able to document his life & the things that are important to me, him, and what I want us to remember in the future I joined a photography "class" in Finding the Joy. So far I am behind, as it always seems I am trying to catch up on things, but I look forward to all the assignments that are to come. As I go through this journey I will do my best to post my favorite photos from each week. We are currently on week 3, so I have some catching up to do!

I was just reading through the first two assignments and Week Two is {places}, and I think I actually got a really cute shot of my son in his crib that would meet the guidelines for the week. So, here it is:

Hopefully I'll be posting more soon.
